February 26, 2011

Asian Paints - Royale Exclusivity?


A look at a recent advertisement of Asian Paints Royale forced me to think how the definition of premium and exclusivity has undergone a significant change within a decade or so - no longer are homes painted only once in 6-7 years (typically when the father of the house gets a raise/performance bonus/has a marriage to host), homes are repainted just for the sake of variety these days.

Look at the colours too - 10 years ago, a wall painted lavender itself was considered a style statement, else you would get those typical icecream colours of pista green and Butterscotch yellow etc . . . the other day a close relative of mine got a whole wall in his hall painted in MAROON - the surprising part was that we all felt it looked great . . . which means it could have been done several years ago too. But the public mindset just wasn’t conducive enough for that!!!!

Also gone are the days when creativity and its manifestation was considered the job and privilege of a selected few. In the ad we see Saif himself trying something out as if to indicate “I like what I do. If you don’t like it, I don’t give a damn!!!!” .This unleashing of personal creativity in public without inhibition and with mass ego-boosters like facebook doing the rounds, this trend is only likely to increase . . .

As a admirer of Asian Paints for several years for several reasons, I do not find it surprising at all that they have done such a good job of segmentation of their products . . . . right from Utsav for the grass root level customers . . . . to Royale for the Saifs and the like . . . . but the credit goes to them because keeping up with the rapid pace of fashion at the high-end segment is not easy . . . . and yet every subsequent ad of Royale reflects these changes without ever losing out on their general public acceptability . . . . thats Marketing Management for you !!!

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