June 3, 2011

BlackBerry - Changing Its Communication


When we hear the word BlackBerry, the first thing that comes to our mind is Corporate. The brand over the years  has built its position as an indispensable tool for today’s executive. Loaded with business friendly features like its highly successful and controversial push email service , its qwerty keypads , instant services and robust build quality, blackberry had few major competitors for a significant period of time.
If anything is constant in the technology world , it is the phenomenon of drastic and radical change. With a fresh start  in the humble Ipod, a rejuvenated Apple came up with an overwhelming product the IPhone. Add to it the evolution of tablets led by Ipad and the very successful Android operating system, Blackberry suddenly saw threat to its position.
Blackberry started of its response with the launch of its first touch screen based device named the Storm. It all set to enter the nascent but astoundingly growing tablet market with its Blackberry Playbook.
Blackberry’s communication in recent times however has gone a seemingly drastic with it looking to shed its hitherto official phone image and moving on to represent a cooler and stylish brand. It is aiming to catch its customers young.
The new set of very popular ads from the Blackberry stables represents this very trend with protagonists in their mid twenties. The first ad focused on the purchase of a first car is an effort in this direction with the brand seeking an emotional connect with the target group. The second is targeted at teenage customers and aims to build a sort of coolness about the brand in the minds of this segment.

The  company has also been investing in BTL activities with participation in prominent college festivals and corporate events. How well the brand manages to appeal to a new set of customers while keeping its original positioning intact is going to be  widely watched in the coming few months.

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